world war
Zeigt alle 8 Ergebnisse
Gora Obersalzberg do m Kehl...
6,95 €Zainteresowanie opinii publicznej w kraju i za granic4 rol4 Obersalzbergu w III. Rzeszy nie slabnie takze 60 lat po zakonczeniu
najbardziej wyniszczaj4cej wojny wszech czas6w. Liczba dokument6w dostarczaj4cych informacji nawet rosnie.
Az Obersalberg a Sasfészek ...
6,95 €A belföldi es külföldi közvelemeny erdeklödese az Obersalzberg Harmadik Birodalomban jatszott szereperöl minden idök legpusztit6bb haboruja utan 60 evvel is töretlen. A tajekoztat6 füzetek szama folyamatosan növekszik. ABerchtesgadenAlapitvany ezert az 1995-ös emlekevet- a haboru 50. evfordu16jat- j6 alkalomnak talalta arra, hogy publikaci6t adjon ki az akkoriban törtent obersalzbergi esemenyekröl.
The Obersalzberg, the Eagle...
6,95 €The Brochure is in mandarin. Only the online description is in english
Even 70 years after the end of the most destructive war of all time the public ’s interest in the role Obersalzberg played during the 3rd Reich has remained the same both in Germany and abroad. In fact the number of publications on the subject has even increased. For this reason, on the occasion of the commemorative year 1995 – 50 years after the end of World War II – the Berchtesgadener Landesstiftung itself is publishing a booklet about the events that took place at Obersalzberg during that time.
L`Obersalzberg sous le IIIe...
7,95 €This brochure conveys only a small part of the events on the Obersalzberg and of the connection of the mountain with the illfated history surrounding Adolf Hitler.
Le nid d´Áigle: Secret d´etat
9,00 €Le nid d´Áigle: Secret d´etat – une visite au nid d´áigle: une experience inoubliable